Zabbix is open-source monitoring software for networks and applications. It offers real-time monitoring of thousands of metrics collected from servers, virtual machines, network devices, and web applications. These metrics can help you determine the current health of your IT infrastructure and detect problems with hardware or software components before customers complain. Useful information is stored in a database so you can analyze data over time and improve the quality of provided services, or plan upgrades of your equipment.

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Making sense of the millions of log lines your organization generates can be a daunting challenge. On one hand, these log lines provide a view into application performance, server performance metrics, and security. On the other hand, log management and analysis can be very time consuming, which may hinder adoption of these increasingly necessary services.

Open-source software, such as rsyslog, Elasticsearch, and Logstash provide the tools to transmit, transform, and store log data. In this post, we will see how to create a centralized rsyslog server to store log files from multiple systems, and then use Logstash to send them to an Elasticsearch server.

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When running multiple services and applications on a Kubernetes cluster, a centralized, cluster-level logging stack can help you quickly sort through and analyze the heavy volume of log data produced by your Pods. One popular centralized logging solution is the Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK) stack.

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The Elastic Stack — formerly known as the ELK Stack — is a collection of open-source software produced by Elastic which allows you to search, analyze, and visualize logs generated from any source in any format, a practice known as centralized logging. Centralized logging can be very useful when attempting to identify problems with your servers or applications, as it allows you to search through all of your logs in a single place. It’s also useful because it allows you to identify issues that span multiple servers by correlating their logs during a specific time frame.

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One of Redis’s most sought-after features is its support for replication: any Redis server can replicate its data to any number of replicas, allowing for high read scalability and strong data redundancy.

Additionally, Redis was designed to allow many clients (up to 10000, by default) to connect and interact with data, making it a good choice for cases where many users need access to the same dataset.

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Redis is an in-memory key-value store known for its flexibility, performance, and wide language support. This post demonstrates how to install, configure, and secure Redis on an Ubuntu server.

Before moving forwards, make sure to set up the Server configured with a non-root sudo user and a firewall.

Keep in mind that once someone is logged in to your server, it’s very easy to circumvent the Redis-specific security features we’ve put in place. Therefore, the most important security feature on your Redis server is your firewall (which configured in the initial setup), as this makes it extremely difficult for malicious actors to jump that fence.

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MongoDB is a document-oriented database that is free and open-source. It is classified as a NoSQL database because it does not rely on a traditional table-based relational database structure. Instead, it uses JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas. Unlike relational databases, MongoDB does not require a predefined schema before you add data to a database. You can alter the schema at any time and as often as is necessary without having to setup a new database with an updated schema.

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Today let us briefly talk about the language design and unique features in Java. We will compare Java with other languages, and we will also go through JVM and the security design & implementation. We will see that Java is a modern language designed to address all the three pillars:

Portability, Speed, and Security.

Java is a statically typed, late-binding language.

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