今天大半天全都用来调试 Ubuntu 了。之前因为系统从 18.04 直接升级到 19.10,很多地方不稳定,还有无尽的 dependency issues, 今天索性把所有东西重装一遍。

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The growth of time based data creates the need for time series databases, for which you can of course use a traditional relational database management system (RDBMS) like Oracle, SQL Server or MySQL, but somewhere down the line you will begin to see some limitations regarding time series data.

Possibilities for native time series databases are limited, but InfluxDB from InfluxData does just that. It is a big data store, designed to handle the high write and read requests for time series projects. InfluxDB is a fairly new product and is a part of InfluxData’s TICK stack.

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If you are getting started with containers, you will likely want to know how to automate building, testing, and deployment. By taking a Cloud Native approach to these processes, you can leverage the right infrastructure APIs to package and deploy applications in an automated way.

Two building blocks for doing automation include container images and container orchestrators.

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今天推荐一款暗黑 Galgame —— 腐り姫。游戏最初发售于 2002 年。《腐姬》是许多颇具影响力的 Galgame的先祖,后来者诸如 TYPE-MOON 社的《Fate/stay night》,以及06年发行的《ひぐらしのなく顷に》(寒蝉鸣泣之时),多多少少都受了《腐姬》的影响。

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Salt, or SaltStack, is a remote execution tool and configuration management system. The remote execution capabilities allow administrators to run commands on various machines in parallel with a flexible targeting system. The configuration management functionality establishes a client-server model to quickly, easily, and securely bring infrastructure components in line with a given policy.

Here, we will discuss some of the basic concepts and terminology needed to begin effectively learning to use Salt.

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Ansible is a modern configuration management tool that facilitates the task of setting up and maintaining remote servers.

This cheat sheet-style guide provides a quick reference to commands and practices commonly used when working with Ansible. For an overview of Ansible and how to install and configure it, please check our guide on how to install and configure Ansible on Ubuntu 18.04.

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With the popularization of containerized applications and microservices, server automation now plays an essential role in systems administration. It is also a way to establish standard procedures for new servers and reduce human error.

This post explains how to use Ansible to automate the steps to set up docker. Docker is an application that simplifies the process of managing containers, resource-isolated processes that behave in a similar way to virtual machines, but are more portable, more resource-friendly, and depend more heavily on the host operating system.

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Asynchronous, or non-blocking, processing is a method of separating the execution of certain tasks from the main flow of a program. This provides you with several advantages, including allowing your user-facing code to run without interruption.

Message passing is a method which program components can use to communicate and exchange information. It can be implemented synchronously or asynchronously and can allow discrete processes to communicate without problems.

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When building modern, stateless applications, containerizing your application’s components is the first step in deploying and scaling on distributed platforms. If you have used Docker Compose in development, you will have modernized and containerized your application by:

  • Extracting necessary configuration information from your code.
  • Offloading your application’s state.
  • Packaging your application for repeated use.
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Prometheus is a powerful, open-source monitoring system that collects metrics from your services and stores them in a time-series database. It offers a multi-dimensional data model, a flexible query language, and diverse visualization possibilities through tools like Grafana.

By default, Prometheus only exports metrics about itself (e.g. the number of requests it’s received, its memory consumption, etc.). But, you can greatly expand Prometheus by installing exporters, optional programs that generate additional metrics.

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