This post is Part Three of Bash Programming. Today let’s look at flow control.
Bash Programming - 02 Arithmetics
This post is Part Two of Bash Programming. In this post, we will focus on doing arithmetics with Bash.
Bash Programming - 01 Vars, Exps
This post is Part One of Bash Programming.
Ueli Steck, R.I.P.
Introduction to Vim
In today’s post, we will review some basic operations in Vim.
Steganography with Python
LSB-Steganography is a technique in which we hide messages inside an image by replacing Least Significant Bit (LSB) of an image with the bits of messages to be hidden.

Convert an Image to ASCIIs in Python
Today we’re going to convert images to ASCII texts. We’ve all seen pictures like this before:
The transformed ASCII texts can be viewed as a collection of a bunch of characters, and each character represents a pixelated color.
Socket Cheatsheet
When we need to use sockets (or netcat nc
) to connect to a server, here are some snippets, in 4 different languages.
Linux Shell Commands - 04 Pipes
This post is Part Four of the summary of some common Linux Shell Commands.
Linux Shell Commands - 03 Search & Pack Files
This post is Part Three of the summary of some common Linux Shell Commands. The commands we are going to use today are: find
, locate
, gzip
, tar